Sunday, May 13, 2012

A little lace to my rustic western table

A few years ago I took a common dining table and transformed it to something that fit our family. I took a wood burning tool, a chain, a drill, some stain and iron cowboy boots and went to work. I made over my table into a western, rust, don't care if my kids spill or bang on it because it just adds character kind of table. I have really loved it.

 I have decided to crochet a table runner; I want something that will add a special touch for those nights we have company or a special family dinner.   I searched all over the net for just the right pattern. I wanted it pretty with an old western feel, lacy but not Victorian looking and would go nicely with the rustic decor of my home. I found this pattern

I am using Aunt Lydia's #3 thread in natural

This just may take a verrrrry long time to complete... I have already made another quick project while working on this one :) I will definitely post pictures of the finished table runner... just don't hold your breath ;-)


  1. Love the runner :) Nice blog, I'll look forward to spending time on it.

  2. Please come over and do MY table. In fact, do my whole dining room!


  3. Please come over and do MY table. In fact, do my whole dining room!


  4. Very pretty...just the right touch :)

  5. i would like to have the pattern please where do i go the link provided leads to me free home page but doesn't offer pattern
