I was going through some of my pictures of crochet items I have made and realized I have not posted soooo many of them :/ So... I have decided to do one post of my past projects that some how got neglected. Unfortunate, I have not taken pictures of so many projects I have made which I have given as gifts... what a bummer! but I take pictures now :)

This is a flip flop book mark that I crocheted out of #10 thread. Did not use a pattern on this one... just made it up as I went along :)

I still have this cupcake key chain, it is also made out of thread. It seemed like it took forever to make! This is another project that I just made up as I went. I am sure I made this more complicated than it needed to be :)

This kitty is one of my favorites :) I did not use a pattern with her either. I actually sold her to a woman in Italy when I had my etsy shop.
This fish I just mailed off to my friend in California as a gift for her baby girl. I did use a wonderful pattern for the fish and you can find it here
I made the fish using cotton yarn and used safety eyes

This is a small wallet and chap stick holder that I made for my daughter. I have since made several chap stick holders for her friends :) No pattern to share on these, just made it up as I went along. I used thread on this project as well.
These are all great projects, but I do especially love the cupcake!