Monday, June 25, 2012

Crochet Jewelry Challenge Project # 6

Ok, so this is not quite jewelry I guess but I did pin it on my pinetrest board that got this whole jewelry thing started. But wow... I am having so  much fun creating things I love and will use!

So this time I made the barefoot sandals.  They became popular a few summers ago and I liked them from the start. But... who actually wears these, I mean I can't go around barefoot all the time. Then I saw it, a picture with the barefoot sandals worn with shoes, Wow! They look super cute with flip flops and even closed toe shoes :) So now I could actually see a use for them but I was not even motivated to make them UNTIL the challenge. Boy am I glad I made them :) I love the way they look so much that I even made 2 and the third is in progress.

If you want to see the inspiration photo check it out here

This is the first pair I made

Don't they look great with flip flops!!

Wanted to try something a little different for the second pair.... I am not as crazy about them as the first pair but I do like them and they look great with my black flip flops

this is my patriotic pedicure in celebration of the upcoming 4th of July :)


  1. Look how talented you are! These are really pretty. Now, if I could morph my feet into something suitable for public I could wear these too;)


  2. Love them! Just wanted to stop by and say hello. I may not comment but I enjoy your posts. Stay Cool!

  3. These turned out very cute! great job & TFS!

  4. they are very cute with flip flops! very pretty ! thank you for coming by my blog ! it is great to "see" you :)

  5. Wow! I would love to see patterns for some of these. In fact, I love all your jewelry from the "challenge"!

  6. Thanks Julie! If I get some extra time I might get to post some patterns :)

  7. I love how versatile these barefoot sandals are, especially when paired with different types of shoes.
